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- Preisliste & Extras | Sächsische Schweiz | FeWo Elbaussicht - Krippen
Übersicht über die Preise, Zusatzkosten sowie Größe und Belegungsmöglichkeiten der FeWo in den Ferienappartements Elbaussicht - Krippen im Elbsansteingebirge Prices & extras - holiday apartments Below you will find the prices of the Elbau view holiday apartments - cribs for your holiday in Bad Schandau, Saxon Switzerland Explanation: Season A: 01.04. until October 31 and 20.12. until 03.01. Season B: 04.01. until March 31 and 01.11. until 19.12. Note: For stays of 7 nights or more, we grant a 10% early bird discount on the basic apartment price for a binding booking by April 30, 2020. Donors from the Bahnsozialwerk receive special conditions (proof required) Price lists as of 01/01/2018 · All previous price lists are no longer valid! Information on using the guest card can be found on the BSKT GmbH website
- Linkempfehlungen | Bad Schandau | FeWo Elbaussicht - Krippen
Tipps für die weitere Freizeitplanung im Urlaub sowie Link-Empfehlungen der Elbaussicht - Krippen Friends, business partners & recommendations Saxon Switzerland offers a varied and varied vacation. We can proudly refer to a large number of regular guests who have been coming to the region for years and are constantly discovering new destinations or re-exploring what has become loved. It would go beyond the scope of the website and we would no longer have time for your support if we claimed to be complete. For this reason, we recommend that you refer to the relevant specialist publications for further information. A small selection are: Bad Schandauer Kur- und Tourismus GmbH Saxon Switzerland Tourism Association Ingo Geier Our special tips Apartment Schirmer & Lehrmann in Bad Schandau Spacious and well-equipped, 86 m² apartment with balcony and free WiFi near the Elbe. It is only a few minutes' walk from the center of the Bad Schandau spa. Please visit our partner site To the website The Elbe Sandstone Mountains have been developed for tourism from Dresden since the middle of the 18th century. Many hikers enjoyed the rugged rock world. The Swiss painters Adrian Zingg and Anton Graff are said to have named "Saxon Switzerland" because they reminded them of their homeland. If you are planning a visit to Original Switzerland, we recommend a visit to Lake Cauma near Films in the canton of Graubünden for your summer or winter holiday. Further information is available at: http://www.caumasee-flims.ch . Bed and Breakfast Webring Germany Instead of expensive in a hotel - privately with nice people. Private rooms, small pensions, farms and holiday apartments with breakfast. - Here you can get to know not only the country, but also PEOPLE. Hiking in Europe - fernwege.de : Your starting point for information about long-distance hiking trails in Europe. Here you will find stage descriptions, route maps and overnight accommodations. Artist portrait Gerd Peplinski Dipl.-Ing. Architect (TU) Freelance architect with his own architectural office in Dresden Member of the Saxony Chamber of Architects since 1991 In his free time, he is out and about as a nature-loving landscape painter Discovered his love for the Elbe Sandstone Mountains in 1970 From 1979 to 1992 mainly working in Bad Schandau Passionate admirer of Caspar David Friedrich 2004 Equipment of the view of the Elbe with original pictures † 2020
- Aktivitäten | Elbsandsteingebirge | FeWo Elbaussicht - Krippen
Möglichkeiten der Freizeitaktivitäten in der Sächsischen Schweiz umrahmt mit Symbolbildern Tips for your active vacation On this page we would like to show you some examples of your active recreation in the Elbe Sandstone Mountains. The photo rights for the collage are owned by © wix.com and © laschi Wanderer auf dem Gipfel Vielfältige Wanderziele und schöne Aussichten Fahrradfahren Gemütlich auf dem Elberadweg... Crosstour oder schöne Touren mit dem Crossrad Mountainbiking Single Trails entdecken Joggen Joggen ab der Haustüre Felsklettern Bergsteigen - Alle Schwierigkeitsgrade Angeln Entspannung an der Elbe Navigieren mit Kompass Orientierungslauf Tischtennis Im Haus oder auf dem Sportplatz Basketball Mit Freunden auf dem Sportplatz spielen Beach-Volleyball An der Therme spielen Badminton Auf dem Sportplatz vor dem Haus Schwimmen In Frei- oder Erlebnisbädern Skaten Auf dem asphaltierten Elberadweg Inline-Skaten Auf dem Elbradweg bis Decin Spa In der Toscana Therme mit Liquidesound
- Webcams zur Elbe | Bad Schandau | FeWo Elbaussicht - Krippen
2 Webcams in den Ferienappartements Elbaussicht - Krippen mit Landschaftsaufnahmen von Postelwitz (Stadtteil von Bad Schandau) und Großer Winterberg sowie Blick zum Torstein im Schrammsteingebiet. Webcams of the Elba view - cribs Webcam 1 Webcam 1 is located in the lounge of the holiday apartments "Elbausicht - Krippen" in Bad Schandau, in the Krippen district. The cam offers a view of the banks of the Elbe and the cycle path. On the opposite bank of the Elbe is the Postelwitz district of Bad Schandau, known for its "seven - Brothers - Houses ". The famous Wolfsgraben leads past the houses on the right. In the Middle Ages it was called" Wulstgraben ". It is a connection to the Bad Schandau district of Ostrau, located on a high plateau. The street lamps light up at night The "Falkensteinklinik" and the villa colony built by Rudolf Sendig are located in Ostrau. As part of the renovation of the spa promenade, a skywalk will soon be built there, which will offer a beautiful view of the Elbe. You can put together the time periods yourself in the frame player. Note: To protect the privacy of our guests sitting on the terrace, the cam cannot show the Elbe during the season. Mobile view Cam1 Webcam 2 Webcam 2 from the "Elba view - cribs" in Bad Schandau, Krippen district is attached to the garage. She takes pictures in the direction of the Elbe. It shows the "Seven Brothers Houses" in Postelwitz, a very small part of the "Caspar-David- Friedrich-Weg", "Elbweg" or "Elberadweg". With the webcam you look at the Torstein from the Schrammstein area and in the direction of the "Postelwitz quarries". From April to October you can often see Elbe cruise ships. On the right of the picture is the small marina in Postelwitz. Sometimes small motor yachts anchor there. You can put together the time periods yourself in the frame player. Mobile view Cam2 Ship recordings with the webcam2 Here you will mainly find a few videos on the subject of "Elbe ships", which were recorded manually with the Webcam2, in random order. But other events in the area of the webcam are also shown here. Camera lens: Elbschiffe Play Video Play Video 00:22 Astrild_im_Nebel Das Kreuzfahrtschiff Astrild passiert die Webcam der Elbaussicht Krippen. Im Hintergrund steigen nach einem kräftigen Regen Nebel zu den Schrammsteinen auf und der Nachbar ehrt Dynamo Dresden mit der Vereinsflagge für den Sieg zum Sachsenpokal. Play Video Play Video 00:44 RENAISSANCE Am Abend des 29. Januar 2024 fuhr die Renaissance mit der Nummer ENI 01841634 an der Elbaussicht - Krippen vorbei. Dabei soll es sich um ein Wohnschiff handeln. Play Video Play Video 00:59 Elbeflussfahrt am Morgen Das Kreuzfahrtschiff fährt aus Richtung Decin an der Elbaussicht vorbei und wir manuell mit der Webcam gefilmt. Play Video Play Video 00:23 Schwerlasttransport auf der Elbe Ein Schubschiff transportiert im Februar 2022 Behälter in Richtung Decin und wird mit der Webcam manuell aufgenommen. Aufsteigende Nebel in Richtung Schrammsteine begleiten das Schiff Play Video Play Video 00:47 MS Biela im Bereich der Webcam Das MS Biela vom WSA Dresden kontrolliert die Elbe. Die Vorbeifahrt an den Ferienappartements Elbaussicht - Krippen wird durch die Webcam manuell aufgenommen. Play Video Play Video 00:47 Hubschrauber Super Puma vor der Elbaussicht- Krippen in Bad Schandau Am 20.08.2019 landete und startete Ein Hubschrauber Super Puma der Bundespolizei auf der Elbwiese vor den Ferienappartements Elbaussicht - Krippen. Der Start und die Drehung des Hubschraubers konnte im Video festgehalten werden. Play Video Play Video 01:53 Webcam Elbaussicht Ballonstart am 23.04.2020 Die Webcam der Ferienappartements Elbaussicht - Krippen in Bad Schandau ist auf die Elbe, den Stadtteil Postelwitz und die Schrammsteine gerichtet. Am 23. April 2020 startete in den Abendstunden ein Heißluftballon. Die Cam hat die Vorbereitungen, den Einstieg und den Start aufgezeichnet. Play Video Play Video 01:56 Schwertransporthilfe der Beskydy Am 08.04.2020 fuhr der Heckradschlepper Beskydy elbabwärts. Einen Tag später, am 09. April 2020 zog er ein Schubschiff mit großen Behältern elbaufwärts und wurde dabei von der Webcam2 der Elbaussicht - Krippen manuell aufgenommen. Erstaunlich ist, das Schiff wurde schon 1956 gebaut, hat 500 PS und verfügt über einen Schaufelradantrieb am Heck. Play Video Play Video 00:46 MS Elbe Princesse II auf der oberen Elbe MS Elbe Princesse II wurde 2018 gebaut. Das Schiif hat einen Schaufelradantrieb. Das Video wurde am 12. Februar 2020 durch die Webcam der Elbaussicht - Krippen aufgenommen. Die Saison der Flusskreuzfahrten scheint eröffnet zu sein. Hoffentlich gibt es dieses Jahr mehr Wasser. Load More No posts published in this language yet Once posts are published, you’ll see them here.
- FeWo in Bad Schandau | Sächsische Schweiz | FeWo Elbaussicht - Krippen
Urlaub in den FeWo der Elbaussicht -Krippen in Bad Schandau an der Elbe, Elbsandsteingebirge (Sächsische Schweiz) FeWo Falkenstein · Example Heartily Elbe view - cribs welcome Guest terrace Bad Schandau & cribs Here you get an overview of Bad Schandau and the Krippen district More info Apartment & prices & booking We would like to introduce you to our holiday apartments and offer you a little orientation for your decision. More info about us Here you can get some useful information about the house and find out interesting facts for your vacation. More info LOAD- MINUTE! OFFER BOOK NOW! Preview photoblog No posts published in this language yet Once posts are published, you’ll see them here.
- Bad Schandau | Elbe | Ferienappartments Elbaussicht - Krippen
Kleine Urlaubseinführung zur Stadt Bad Schandau umrahmt mit Bildern durch die Ferienappartements Elbaussicht - Krippen Bad Schandau & the Krippen district Bad Schandau is a small town in the Elbe Sandstone Mountains on the edge of the Saxon Switzerland National Park. It received city rights between 1467 and 1480. Bad Schandau has had today's seal since 1480. The ship in the coat of arms stands for the river trade route and the associated goods transshipment point. Since 1920 the city has been allowed to use the title "Bad". He was successfully defended in 2010. The new corporate design of the city of Bad Schandau underlines the location in Saxon Switzerland. Bad Schandau has also been a spa town since 1937. There are two large and modern health clinics here. Physiotherapy treatments and pools according to Sebastian Kneipp are available in the Bad Schandau spa gardens and in the Krippen district. A viable future concept for comprehensive health care is currently being worked on. The 5 * hotel "Elbresidenz an der Therme" also fits in with the motto of health, spa and wellbeing. The company also operates the adjacent Toskana Therme with the well-known Liquid Sound and other amenities. Bad Schandau mit Therme und Kreuzfahrtschiff Blick vom Elberadweg nach Bad Schandau zur Toscana Thereme mit Kreutzfahrtschiff Blühende Bäume am Elberadweg Am Elberadewg in Krippen mit Blick zu den Schrammsteinen Foto ©Sabine Köhler Schiffe auf der Elbe in Bad Schandau Reger Schiffsverkehr mit Fähren, Dampf- und Kreuzfahrtschiff Foto ©Sabine Köhler Bad Schandau mit Therme und Kreuzfahrtschiff Blick vom Elberadweg nach Bad Schandau zur Toscana Thereme mit Kreutzfahrtschiff 1/4 The local history museum is located in the spa gardens. In addition to the representation of the local development, there is also a permanent exhibition of the famous explorer and honorary citizen Erich Wustmann. The town church "St. Johannis" was built in 1697 in its present form. The altar inside was originally intended to be located in the Dresden Kreuzkirche. There are several children's playgrounds in the center and in the city districts. For larger purchases, we recommend the "Lidl Markt", the "Penny Markt" and the "Nahkauf Hütter" in Bad Schandau. Parking and a parking garage are available. Bad Schandau has a number of attractions to offer. These include the Kirnitzschtalbahn - the smallest tram company in the world (14 km) or the historic elevator to Ostrau. With this one can, for example, reach the country-style villas built in 1903/04 by the hotelier Sendig. These are prefabricated houses imported from Switzerland. At the time it was considered an absolute novelty. In the city center there are ATMs of the Ostsächsische Sparkasse and Volksbank Pirna. Money can also be withdrawn from the machine in the health resort of Gohrisch. The Aral petrol station in Rathmannsdorf, the pharmacy market and numerous small shops in Bad Schandau looking forward to your visit. In the national park you get interesting insights into the formation of the Elbe Sandstone Mountains from the Chalk Sea, the fauna and flora and a lot of other information worth knowing. The painter Caspar David Friedrich fled here from the approaching Napoleon and was shocked when the French Emperor visited the place. Friedrich Gottlob Keller, the inventor of wood pulp (paper production), lived and worked here until his death. With the beginning of tourism around 1900 - at that time also called "tourism" or "summer vacation" - the structural change to gastronomy and accommodation took place. Today's Krippen district was first mentioned around 1380. The residents were mostly boatmen, merchants and craftsmen. Cribs have been part of the Bad Schandau health resort for several years. The formerly independent towns of Postelwitz, Ostrau and Schmilka were also incorporated and are now districts of Bad Schandau. As the ferry landing is only approx. 50 m as the crow flies from your holiday home in the "Elba view - Krippen", a visit to Bad Schandau by ferry is recommended. With the bus, however, you can get into the city just as easily. The stops are in the immediate vicinity. You will receive a guest card from the landlord. This means that the use of the ferries in the city area and the Bad Schandau round line R252 are free of charge. The Krippen district has a lot of interesting things in store for you. These include the newly created "SonnenUhrenWeg" with numerous lovingly designed sundials, the Bad Schandau flood tour or the newly designed marketplaces with a fountain made of old millstones and a sandstone stele. Unfortunately, the previous Friedrich Gottlob Keller Museum had to be closed and relocated via the inventor of the wood pulp for paper production. The Caspar David Friedrich hiking trail begins at the former steamship landing stage and runs past the Elbe over the Kaiserkrone. The way back leads over the Wolfsberg to Krippen. On the way he is part of the painter's path. The Elberadweg leads directly past the house. You can easily reach Pirna or Dresden by bike. Up the Elbe it goes to Decin. You can borrow bicycles in Krippen, Bad Schandau and Postelwitz. There is a small butcher shop on site, where you can buy a few everyday items. Our house was formerly known as "Elbschlösschen". It was probably built around 1900 and served as an excursion restaurant for hikers, summer visitors and steamboat guests. After 1980 it was completely demolished and built from scratch by the civil engineering company of the Deutsche Reichsbahn as a company holiday home. A comprehensive renovation took place after the fall of the Wall. In 1992 the federal railway assets were transferred to the Bahn-Sozialwerk Foundation (BSW). In the summer of 2002, the current operators acquired the house "Elbschlößchen Krippen" from the BSW. In this move, it was renamed the "Ferienappartements Elbausicht - Krippen". Immediately after the opening in summer 2002 came the August flood known as the "flood of the century". The water level rose below the first floor. It destroyed the holiday apartments, the office, the café on the ground floor, as well as the garages and basement rooms. Only after almost two years of renovation could the house be fully used again. Today, like many houses in cribs, a high water mark on the house facade reminds of this catastrophe. Since then there have been a number of smaller and larger floods. In April 2006 the garages were in the water almost up to the terrace. In January 2011 the flood reached the meter mark there. In June 2013 the house was hit hard again by the flood. The basement was completely in the water. The water level on the first floor was 43 centimeters. The "Zirkelstein" and "Pfaffenstein" holiday apartments were then completely renovated and refurbished and have been bookable again since 2014. Numerous restaurants and hotels are easily accessible. The country inn "Ziegelscheune" is located directly on the Elbe in Krippen, at a distance of 800m. Next to our house is the club house with the restaurant "Sonnenuhr". The Gasthaus "Eiche" and the adjacent hotel "Erbgericht" can also be reached quickly on foot. If you want to combine the stop with an easy hike, you can visit the cozy forest inn "Liethenmühle". It is only a few minutes by car to the Hotel Wolfsberg. There you can enjoy a very nice view just as in the "Pension and Gasthaus Heiterer Blick" in Altendorf. Also worth mentioning is the "Gasthaus Zirkelstein" in Reinhardtsdorf. There are also numerous restaurants in Bad Schandau.
- FeWo Pfaffenstein | Bad Schandau | FeWo Elbaussicht - Krippen
Präsentation und Wohnungsbeschreibung für die Vermietung der Ferienwohnung Pfaffenstein in der Elbaussicht - Krippen im Elbsandsteingebirge. Apartment Pfaffenstein The apartment is on the ground floor and is set up for a holiday in Saxon Switzerland (Elbe Sandstone Mountains) with an occupancy of 2 people. Prices Base prices of 39.00 EUR to 42.00 EUR Additional bed options: 0 Location: E G Size: 28 m² People: 2 Beds: 1 double bed Additional bed options: 0 Free internet: WLAN / WiFi up to 100 Mbit / s Furnishing: Bed linen / towels / tea towels included - change by arrangement Combined living room / bedroom (table and 2 armchairs, double bed, wardrobe and linen cupboard, base cabinet on castors, on it 32 "flat screen TV (satellite TV and radio), telephone, unique piece with a landscape motif from Saxon Switzerland) Kitchen (dining table and 2 chairs, cupboard, wall cupboards, sink with hotplates and refrigerator, coffee maker, kettle, toaster, microwave, unique mural with a landscape motif from Saxon Switzerland) Sanitary wing (shower / toilet, washstand, make-up mirror, hairdryer) Hallway (cloakroom, clothes mirror, luggage rack) Soundproof windows and wall fans
- Buchungsformular | Bad Schandau | FeWo Elbaussicht – Krippen
Reservierungsanfrage für FeWo in der Elbaussicht - Krippen in der Sächsischen Schweiz Request for a holiday apartment in the »Elba view« Below you will find a form for your reservation request for an apartment in the holiday apartments Elbausicht - cribs for your vacation in Bad Schandau, Saxon Switzerland Important NOTE: We ask you to use the form below for your reservation request. The request made here is not a reservation / booking in the contractual sense. A legally binding contract is only concluded when we send you a reservation confirmation. Your transmitted data will be processed in accordance with our privacy policy . Before sending your request, we ask you to read the data protection declaration. You are also welcome to send us your request via the quick booking contact. In the interests of economic utilization and the avoidance of vacancies, we can usually consider booking requests from 7 nights in the period from May to October. Shorter stays will therefore only be possible at short notice if there is a vacancy. Please use our last minute offers for a short break. Reservation request Please fill out the form completely and indicate your preferred period. Welche FeWo möchten Sie anfragen? * FeWo Pfaffenstein FeWo Zirkelstein FeWo Bastei FeWo Kaiserkrone FeWo Falkenstein FeWo Königstein FeWo Lilienstein FeWo Winterberg FeWo Prebischtor Ich habe die Datenschutzerklärung zur Kenntnis genommen und willige ein, dass meine Angaben zur Kontaktaufnahme und Zuordnung für eventuelle Rückfragen dauerhaft gespeichert werden. Widerufsrecht: Diese Einwilligung können Sie jederzeit mit Wirkung für die Zukunft per E-Mail an uns widerrufen. * Okay Send Your message has been sent. Many Thanks. We will contact you as soon as possible. Regards Elba view - cribs
- Last-minute | Bad Schandau | Ferienappartments Elbaussicht - Krippen
FeWo Angebote für Spontanurlauber in der Elbaussicht - Krippen in der Sächsischen Schweiz Last-minute offers »Elba view - Krippen« Secure a short-term holiday apartment at a discounted price in the Elbau view holiday apartments - cribs for your holiday in Bad Schandau, Saxon Switzerland Important NOTE: On this page we offer our short-term vacant holiday apartments in Bad Schandau (Krippen district). To inquire about a holiday apartment, please send a booking request or simply use the quick telephone contact . Our last minute offers are only valid when booking the entire specified period. The mentioned last-minute prices for an apartment include the reduction of the basic apartment prices listed in the official price list for 2 people to the stated amount. All other prices listed there are still valid. We look forward to your visit to Saxon Switzerland (Elbe Sandstone Mountains). Elbaussicht - Krippen https://www.elbaussicht-krippen.de/ Anreise: 2. November 2024 um 23:00:00 Abreise: 27. März 2025 um 23:00:00 Bedingung: Zusatzrabatt: Momentan leider keine Angebote Sonderpreis: Späterer Zeitpunkt
- Kontakt und Impressum | Bad Schandau | FeWo Elbaussicht - Krippen
Kontaktformular, rechtliche Hinweise und Informationen über den Webseitenbetreiber der Ferienappartements Elbaussicht - Krippen ind Bad Schandau Contact Impressum If you have any suggestions or requests, you can use this form to contact us quickly. We can be reached even faster using the telephone numbers listed. The editor of the website and responsible for the content is Claus Schirmer. All photos on this website are protected by copyright. Unless otherwise indicated, all photo rights are held by © Claus Schirmer (© laschi). Please note the applicable copyright law and comply with it. Elba view holiday apartments - cribs Owner Claus Schirmer Elbweg 7, 01814 Bad Schandau Elbe Sandstone Mountains · Germany elbaussicht-krippen@outlook.de P: +49 (0) 35028-8849-0 M: +49 (0) 162-2606-139 F: +49 (0) 35028-8849-22 Tax number: 210/268/01122 GPS: N50.9115, E14.16978 Business card for download Ich habe die Datenschutzerklärung zur Kenntnis genommen und willige ein, dass meine Angaben zur Kontaktaufnahme und Zuordnung für eventuelle Rückfragen dauerhaft gespeichert werden. Widerufsrecht: Diese Einwilligung können Sie jederzeit mit Wirkung für die Zukunft per E-Mail an uns widerrufen. * Okay Send Your message has been sent. Many Thanks. We will contact you as soon as possible. Many greetings Elba view - cribs
- FeWo Bastei | Krippen | Ferienappartments Elbaussicht - Krippen
Orientierung über das Ferienappartement Bastei mit Balkon zur Elbe im Stadteil Krippen in Bad Schandau Apartment Bastei The Bastei apartment is located on the Elba Krippen in Bad Schandau, on the 1st floor. It is suitable for 2-5 people. Prices Base prices of 55.00 EUR to 61.00 EUR Location: 1st floor Size: 77 m² People: 2-5 Beds: 1 double bed Additional bed options: 1 pull-out two-seater and 1 pull-out corner couch Free internet: WLAN / WiFi up to 100 Mbit / s Balcony: 1 (view of the Elbe) Bed linen / towels / tea towels included - change by arrangement Living room or combined living room / bedroom if required (corner / pull-out couch, 1 armchair, coffee table, two-seater - extendable, coffee table and 2 armchairs, glass cabinet, on it 43 "flat screen TV (swiveling) with satellite TV, radio reception and smart TV, Unique pieces with landscape motifs from Saxon Switzerland, soundproof windows and wall ventilators) Balcony with a view of the Elbe, table and 6 chairs Bedroom (double bed, clothes and linen cupboard, stool, radio, telephone, unique piece with a landscape motif from Saxon Switzerland, soundproof windows and wall ventilator) Kitchen (dining table and 4 chairs, cupboards, sink with hotplates and refrigerator, coffee maker, kettle, toaster, microwave) Large sanitary area (shower, 2 washbasins, make-up mirror, hairdryer, separate toilet with washbasin) Large hallway (cloakroom, clothes mirror) Furnishing:
- Wandern | Sächsische Schweiz | FeWo Elbaussicht - Krippen
Wechselnde Fotogalerie der Elbaussicht - Krippen mit Ausflugszielen der Sächsischen Schweiz Tips for your active vacation We would like to give you a few recommendations for your vacation in Bad Schandau, in the holiday apartments Elba view - give nativity scenes. You do not need long journeys during your stay. The car can remain in the parking lot. The destinations are usually with public Means of transport accessible. The VVO transport association offers holidaymakers an inexpensive one Weekly ticket. You can even use the Kirnitzschtalbahn free of charge. The start of the active one So relaxation can begin right at the front door. Further suggestions for hiking or cycling tours can also be found in our blog . You are welcome to add to your hiking equipment or equip yourself from scratch. A previous one The Active Center Saxon Switzerland enables you to take a test. You can find it on the market in the Hotel Elbresidenz the thermal bath. There you can also book guided hikes or climbing courses. Competent employees are at your disposal. < > 1/4